FIGURAS DE LOS AÑOS 60 Generals and Officers ,Imperial Russian Army,1910 by Russell GammageFrench Officer from OryronFrench Forces from Hinton HuntFrench Forces from Hinton Hunt-2French and English skirmish at Waterloo by Graham Mollard (GNM Miniatures)French and English skirmish at Waterloo by Graham Mollard (GNM Miniatures)-bEscort Cossacks,Dragoon Officer and Life Guards 1815 by StaddenEscort Cossack,1914 by StaddenDrummer,Line Infantry 1786,Trumpeter Cuirassiers 1786,Trumpeter,Potemkin Regiment 1780 from Norman NewtonCzarina’s Escort,Chevalier Guard ,1910 by Russell GammageCaptain Chevalier Guard,Kexholmski and Moscow life Guard Regmts. Imperial Naval Guard 1910 by Russell GammageBritish Forces from Hinton HuntBrigadier “in repose” from PhoenixArchers from White Tower MiniaturesAdolf Hitler 1&2 by Phoenix 3&4 by Charles Hall of Edinburgh17th.Dragoon Regiment ,Imperial Russia 1910 by Stadden13th.Dragoon Regiment(Order of Holy St.George) Imperial Russia ,1910 by Russell Gammage Páginas: Página 1, Página 2, Página 3, Página 4