coleccionismo, pintura y restauración soldaditos de plomo
Varias Marcas -3
Benassi-Robert the BruceJohn Tassel 75mm-Austro-Hungarian Ski Trooper,1900WMH Models 90mm (repaint)-BlucherBorder Minatures 70mm(restoration)-Knight,War of The Roses,1480Clydecast 65mm(restoration) -13th Century Foot KnightSeil Models 65mm-General Doroc ,1807Barton Miniatures (Restoration)90mm- Von Seydlitz,General of Cuirassiers,1754Eagle Miniatures 100mm-Trumpeter,17th Lancers,Boer WarAl Charles 54mm-Jean de Melun,Crecy 1356HM of Great Britain 54mm-Tudor Standard Bearer(Restoration)David Grieve 75mm-16th Lancers,Sikh Wars 1846