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Artillery Officers Bayern -1870 and 1800 by Hecker and Goros
Baron von Richthofen(Red Baron ,Air Ace)) ,German Naval Officer, Duisberg Fire Chief 1900’s by Hecker&Goros
Field Marshall August von Mackensen,1916 by Verlinden(140mm)
Field Marshall Mackensen,1916 by Ron Cameron
Field Marshall Mackensen,1916 by Ron Cameron
Field Marshall von Hindenberg,1914 by Ron Cameron 90mm scale
Field Marshall von Hindenberg,1914 by Ron Cameron 90mm scale
German Police,1920 by CJB of Hull
Hussar,Uhlan and Dragoon,Imperial German Army 1900’s by Hecker and Goros(last by Fusilier Miniatures)
Hussars, Imperial German Army ,1900’s by Sarum Soldiers
mperial German Army ,1900’s by Rose Miniatures(Russell Gamage)
mperial German Army 1900’s by Hecker&Goros
Imperial German Army 1900’s. Bases marked GTM ROSE
Imperial German Army Staff ,Liege 1914 by Strombecker USA
Kaiser Wilhelm-EK Castings,Jager – Lasset,Storm Trooper-Mountford Metal Miniatures, all German Imperial Army,1900’s
Musicians,Imperial German Army,1900’s by Monarch Miniatures USA
Officers,Saxony and Bayern Regiments 1900’s by Hecker and Goros
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