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Tradition-French Field Officer,1815. French Officer,Bearn Regiment,Canada 1755. Red Lancer ,1815
Tradition 54mm -Scots Greys,seizing the Standard
Stadden-Prussian Blucher’Sches Hussar 1845
Stadden-India,Native Cavalry Regiments 1900,s
Stadden-India,Native Army Drum Corps 1900’s
Stadden-India,British Colonial Army Officers 1900’s
Stadden-French Chasseur,1802..Grenadier a Cheval ,1804. Hussar,1815..
Stadden-3rd.Dragoon Regiment Pferde 1756. Lasset- Frederick the Great of Prussia 1745
Stadden- India,Native Lancer Regiments 1900’s
Stadden- India, Native Infantry ,Sepoys and Artillery
Stadden 90mm-Scots Greys ,Sargean Ewart seizing the Standard
Stadden -Wellington 1815
Officers in Campaign Kit by Stadden and Ensign. Officer In Mess Dress ,(Skinners Horse) by Ensign.Native Indian Officers by Tradition
Tradition-10th Hussars 1825, 17th Lancers 1910, Prince of Wales Dragoon 1910
Stadden- 17th.Lancers ,Boer War 1879
Mountford Metal Miniatures,Stadden,Hinchliffe,and Stadden-Artillery Wagon Train Escorts 1914.
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